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We were headed for disaster. Art of Scale helped us move from a startup to a mature company.

We were chaotic and unorganised. Our management team was dysfunctional. We were all passionate, but there was no synergy. We knew our goals but weren't accountable or aligned. We'd deliver today, not think about tomorrow. we were headed for disaster - it wasn't intentional or purposeful.

Cheri AfonsoFounder & CEO, HouseHoppers

We mapped out the exact areas we should focus on.
The Scale This Next X-Ray which helped map out the exact areas we should focus on to grow. The feedback assisted us to make decisions regarding our manpower. The entire management team also devoted three hours a week on learning platform which assisted us to find alignment between our senior and functional teams.

Luvuyo RaniCEO at Silulo Ulutho Technologies

We grew from 9 people to a 40+ national team

We were company of nine people working in an unstructured way. Scale This Next provided the management team with deep insights into the business and helped us to focus on key aspects that were crucial for growth. Sensor Networks is now a 40+ -person team of diverse individuals, with a nationwide network of service-provider partners, built using the lessons from Art of Scale.”

Mark AllewellFounder of Sensor Networks

Art of Scale was game-changing for us. It's not a classroom experience; it looks at where you need help the most and slots in there. it's created a structured and intentional path to scalability and growth. It quieted the noise in the whirlwind, helped us gain traction, and get things done.It changed the entire company operated. It helped us circumvent mistakes most startups make.

Cheri AfonsoFounder & CEO, HouseHoppers

It arms you to deal with complexity.

If you are an established business that needs to scale, this blueprint will take you places. Following its framework, there is not a single predicament you won’t be able to overcome. It arms you to deal with complexity and outlines problems in your company.

Lethabo MokoneCEO of MakwaIT